scientific papers
Chatzistamatiou, M., Dermitzaki, I., Efklides, A., & Leondari, A. (2015).Motivational and affective determinants of self-regulatory strategy use in elementary school mathematics. Educational Psychology, 35(7), 835-850.
Koutsikou, M., Bonoti, F., & Christidou, V. (2015). The effect of explanatory captions on understanding a scientific phenomenon. International Journal of Research in Education Methodology, 7(2), 1128-1138.
Chatzistamatiou, M., Dermitzaki, Ι., & Bagiatis, V. (2014 ). Self-regulatory teaching in mathematics: Relations to teachers’ motivation, affect and professional commitment. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 29, 295-310. DOI: 10.1007/S10212-013-0199-9.
Diorinou, M. & Tseliou, E. (2014). Studying circular questioning ‘in situ’: Discourse analysis of a first systemic family therapy session. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 40(1), 106-121. doi:10.1111/jmft.12005
Hepper, E. G., Wildschut, T., Sedikides, C., Ritchie, T., Yung, Y.-F., Hansen, N., Abakoumkin, G., Arikan, G., Cisek, S., Demassosso, B. D., Gebauer, J., Gerber, J. P., Gonzales, R., Kusumi, T., Misra, G., Rusu, M., Ryan, O., Stephan, E., Vingerhoets, A. J. J., & Zhou, X. (2014). Pancultural nostalgia: Prototypical conceptions across cultures. Emotion, 14, 733-747. doi:10.1037/a0036790
Misailidi, P., & Bonoti, F. (2014). Children’s use of expressive drawing strategies: The effects of mood, age and topic. Early Child Development and Care, 184(6), 882-896.
Stroebe, M., Stroebe, W., Van de Schoot, R., Schut, H., Abakoumkin, G., & Li, J. (2014). Guilt in bereavement: The role of self-blame and regret in coping with loss. PLoS ONE, 9(5): e96606. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096606
Tseliou, E. (2014). Systemic family psychotherapy. In T. Teo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of critical psychology (pp. 1908-1913). New York: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-5583-7
Dermitzaki, I., Stavroussi, P., Vavougyios, D., & Kotsis, K. (2013). Adaptation of the Students' Motivation Towards Science Learning (SMTSL) questionnaire in the Greek language. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 28, 747-766.
Goudas, Μ., Kolovelonis, Α., & Dermitzaki, E. (2013). Implementation of self-regulation interventions in physical education and sport contexts. Invited chapter in H. Bembenutty, T. J. Cleary, & A. Kitsantas (Eds.), Applications of Self-Regulated Learning across Diverse Disciplines. A tribute to Barry Zimmerman (pp. 383-416) Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Tseliou, E. (2013). A critical methodological review of discourse and conversation analysis studies of family therapy. Family Process, 52(4), 653-672. doi: 10.1111/famp.12043. Video abstract
Tseliou, E. (2013). Una Revision Metodologica Crıtica de Estudios de Terapia Familiar que Utilizan Analisis de Discurso y Analisis de la Conversacion. Family Process, 52(4), 653-672. doi: 10.1111/famp.12043
Tseliou, E. (2013). Systemic family therapy in Greece: polyphony and diversity. Contemporary Family Therapy, 35(2), 223-243.
Misailidi, P., Bonoti, F., & Savva G. (2012). Representations of loneliness in children’s drawings. Childhood, 19(4), 523-538.
Smeekens, C., Stroebe, M. S., & Abakoumkin, G. (2012). The impact of migratory separation from parents on the health of adolescents in the Philippines. Social Science & Medicine, 75, 2250-2257.
Stroebe, M. S., Abakoumkin, G., Stroebe, W., & Schut, H. (2012). Continuing bonds in adjustment to bereavement: Impact of abrupt versus gradual separation. Personal Relationships, 19, 255-266.
Abakoumkin, G. (2011). Forming choice preferences the easy way: Order and familiarity effects in elections. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41, 2689-2707.
Kleftoyanni, V., Abakoumkin, G., & Vokou, D. (2011). Environmental perceptions of students, farmers, and other economically active members of the local population near the protected area of Axios, Loudias and Aliakmonas estuaries, in Greece. Global NEST Journal, 13, 288-299.
Andreou, E., & Bonoti, F. (2010). Children’s bullying experiences expressed through drawings and self-reports. School Psychology International, 31(2), 164-177.
Tseliou, E. (2010). From feedback to reflexivity: inspirations by a ‘polyphonic dialogue’ methodology in trainee’s evaluation. Journal of Family Τherapy, 32, 334-337. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6427.2010.00509.x